Saturday, March 19, 2011

Day 19. Admonition 16

Day 19. Admonition 16

“Blessed are the clean of heart: for they shall see God.” (Matthew 5:8 Douay- Rheims) People are clean in their heart, when they despise earthly things. 

Always seeking those of heaven, and who, with a pure heart and mind, never cease to adore and contemplate the Lord God Living and True.

Francis speaks of the clean of heart ‘despising earthly things’.

This is a teaching for the individual as a measure of cleanliness of heart.
Jesus teaches us the connection between an impure mind and an unclean heart in his teaching about the perfect Law of love.

(See Matthew 5 for his  teaching on Adultery, murder, divorce and oaths)

When our minds are pure and our hearts clean we have the disposition to seek the things that are of God.

Turning to God, by the minute, contemplating Jesus in the Holy Sacrament of the Altar ‘till one day we shall see him.

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