Sunday, March 27, 2011

Day 26. Admonition 22/23

Blessed is the servant who bears discipline, accusation, and blame from others, as patiently as if they came from themselves.

Blessed is the servant who, when reproved, mildly submits, modestly obeys, humbly confesses, and willingly satisfies.

Blessed is the servant who, when they are without fault, is not prompted to excuse him or herself, but who humbly bears the shame and reproof for the sin.

Are we here yet?

Those who bear disciple in these cases are truly humble, and honest; with both themselves and others.

They are true to their vows and they trust the others. Take joy in the fact that they can do all of these things without thinking or feeling lesser in their own sight or in others.

Simply this: - it takes someone who is very sure of their intrinsic worth not to protest innocence when wrongly accused.

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